The fact of explaining to children aged between 4 and 9 years the concept of internet in an easy way was a great challenge.

So we thought the best way to do that was using a game. They could understand the concept and the main advantages ,along with the different uses of this tool.

So a lovely sunny morning children went to the schoolyard and made a big net, using several strings.

So the concept of fishing net or even net as a spider?s web is a concept they have already taken on.

After that, all the children were placed both at the end of each string, apart from 3 who were placed between them in order to create halfway connection in the group.


Once the net was done they were explained what Internet meant ,a net this concept was previously worked with the English teacher ,so the children were used to this word and its meaning. We just have to visualise the concept and make it clear for them .

Words travel through the net

Each boy and girl were given one letter made of wood , about 10cm high letters were part of the word ?Rose paid?? in Spanish, written on them.( Rosa pago).The game was about to make one pupil received all the letters and formed the word.

The children sent all the letters through different strings and all of them arrived to the final point (computer) to get the word. That was how we explained to them how information travels in Internet.


After that each children wrote a text addressed to another child which circulated like the previous one, but with several sheets, this time, and interweaving them to reach the address.

The children understood how their tales could be send to others.

It was done the same with a photo of each children, so they could deduce how images travel.

And we did the same with a video tape and a cassette so the children were aware of how sound and video travel.

Finally, children were explained as we have our own language, Internet has its own and is a writing language and is given through names and surnames.

Like the own children each thing in Internet has its name and surname. The name is chosen by someone but the surname is determined by the family one belongs to.

We mean if it belongs to the family of writing texts, the family of pictures or photos, the family of video or even the family of sound .

The next step was to make children could identify in the contents they had implemented the name, and surname of each document, so each child could check if the documents they were creating had as surname; from text ?doc? from pictures or drawings ?jpg? the one of sound?mp3? the one of video.?mpg? and besides an universal language called ?html? whose meaning is related with the possibility of change one document to another making a jump.

These cognitive concepts are directly related to the activities which were implemented in the net and with the contents created by the children.